7 steps to lose weight 10 kilos in a month

picture :weight loss at home
1. Gymnastics
2. Calorie Calculator
3. Excessive drinking of water
4. eat slowly
5. Add fiber to the diet
6. Breakfast contains protein
It is recommended to exercise daily, which helps burn fat and lose weight over time, in
addition to feeling energetic and energetic, so it is recommended to practice running or
walking exercises, which can be practiced on sports equipment during the period of home
2.Reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates
Reducing carbohydrates is one of the ways to lose weight, because they are quickly
absorbed into the bloodstream, causing a rise in sugar and thus feeling hungry
3.Calorie Calculator
It is preferable to know the calories that the body needs during the day, and on the basis of
which the calories of the food you eat are calculated, and this helps you lose excess weight from the body
4.Excessive drinking of water
It is preferable to avoid soft drinks and juices that contain a high percentage of sugar, which
lead to an increase in body weight, so it is preferable to replace them with drinking water,
which helps burn fat and get rid of body toxins
5.eat slowly
Slowing down and focusing on enjoying food is one of the ways that helps to feel full and full,
and only eat a small amount of food, which helps to lose weight.
6.Add fiber to the diet
Fiber is an easily digestible food that helps stabilize blood sugar levels and keep you full for a
long time. It is found in fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains
7.Breakfast contains protein
It is preferable to eat a breakfast that contains a high percentage of protein, which helps to
feel full for a long period of time, and contains a low percentage of calories, thus helping to
lose excess weight